Contact in Austin, Texas
- Phone 512-539-9743
For inquiries on fabric wallcoverings project ask to speak to Véronique or the owner, Eric Thoman. Unfortunately we had to remove the contact form due to an overwhelming amount of robots spams. But, if you prefer to speak to a person, give us a call!
How to begin with your inquiries
It will be a pleasure to assist and get your wall upholstery plans into action.
We recommend our future client to send elevations with measurements of each room. You may want to attach some pictures.
If you don’t have any, it will be fine without.
Try to have information on the fabric. Give us the width, the pattern repeat, and it’s composition. We do like to have a sample, please send us a piece of fabric.
Next, when are you planning to start your project? And, what is this project location?
Once all documents are sent to us, we will make an estimate with these elements. We may need to travel to the site to view any large project.
VE THOMAN takes all challenges from a small powder room to a very large home with fabric wallcoverings .
The company installs wall upholstery nationwide. The team accepts work from professional in the interior design industry. Before contacting us, view some of our projects. The portfolio has many beautiful pictures of interiors. Rooms upholstered with a range of different fabrics.
A picture can answer a question on your future project. Take the time to look around. Flick through the sliders room by room and enjoy the walls.
This website is updating regularly with new images or videos. Come back to see pictures of our latest work.
Keep in touch at VE THOMAN’s Face book . Thank you for your interest in the company.
We hope you have enjoyed visiting our online world of one of a kind wall upholstery. Also, there is a list of Happy Clients!